A Tribute to Richard Peck

Saturday, September 3, 2011

JUNIPER BERRY a book review

The cover art for M.P. Kozlowsky's debut book JUNIPER BERRY  promises "A tale of terror and temptation." Kozlowsky delivers the trepedation in spades.

Imagine you're an only child and your parents are comprised of the best parts of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt--loving, kind, famous and beautiful. They are dream parents who adore you until something inexplicable and horrible changes everything. How would you solve what went wrong and what would you trade to get your world back?

JUNIPER BERRY is a middle grade mystery complete with famous parents, a monocular, a barking Kitty, and the very odd boy next door. But more than that, it's a Tim Burtonesque tale that offers up balloons with fright and whispers distant echos that remind readers of books like Neil Gaiman's Coraline.

author M.P. Kozlowsky drawings by Erwin Madrid
Middle Grade Fiction ages 8 and up
Walden Pond Press (an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers) April 26, 2011
ISBN 10 0061998699
ISBN 13 978-0061998690
List Price: $15.99

RATING: 5 out of 5 lollipop rating

Buying links:

Boulder Bookstore
Barnes and Noble
The Strand


  1. Hi! Thanks for following! Juniper Berry sound fascinating! I absolutely loved Coraline- Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors. I will definitely check out Juniper Berry, and I agree the cover is visually impacting.
    Cheers! Jess Haight- (I always show up as my character Fairday Morrow, haven't quite figured out how to change that : )
    The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow
    A Middle Grade Novel by J.Haight & S.Robinson

  2. Thanks Fairday and authors!
    I look forward to checking out your blog.

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