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Kim Tomsic

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Long Awaited Pulitzer Winner in Fiction

Pulitzer Prize Winners 2013

The act of not naming a Pulitzer winner in the fiction category caused a bit a drama last year. There's nothing like discussing the great Pulitzer novel to get book buzz flowing and cash registers ringing, but 2012 saw none of that glory. Book sellers were upset, independent bookstore owners were disappointed, and authors were...hmmm, disheartened. But the woes of 2012 are finally behind us, because 2013 has a winner, and his name was announced today:

FICTION – winner is Adam Johnson for THE ORPHAN MASTER’SSON
NONFICTION – by Gilbert King -DEVIL IN THE GROVE:  Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
HISTORY-winner Fredrik Logevall for EMBERS OF WAR
BIOGRAPHY – Tom Reiss wins for  BLACK COUNT
POETRY – Sharon Olds wins for STAG’S LEAP

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