Today, guest-blogger,
Caitlin Lore, shares important thoughts and insight about neurodiversity in middle grade literature. Buckle up! You're in for a treat.
Let's define neurodiversity first:
Let's define neurodiversity first:
the Spectrum: The Importance of Neurodiversity Representation in Middle Grade
Caitlin Lore
When it comes to middle
grade literature (books for 8-12-year-old readers), well-developed and diverse
characters carry more importance than vivid settings, strong dialogue, and
perfect plotting. The middle-grade years are tumultuous times for tweens not
only as they are developing physiologically, but also personally. As they
transition from children to young adults, these young readers begin thinking
more critically about the world around them, therefore it is imperative that they
see themselves and/or diverse characters represented in novels. In her
presentation on diverse writing, author Linda Sue Park said that “books for
young readers have the role of shaping and influencing their worldview.”
Books can help children feel empowered and/or help them develop empathy. However, in order for this to happen, readers must make connections to the characters they are reading about: in spirit, in triumphs and challenges, in personality, and in diversity.
Books can help children feel empowered and/or help them develop empathy. However, in order for this to happen, readers must make connections to the characters they are reading about: in spirit, in triumphs and challenges, in personality, and in diversity.

the publishing industry continues to shift from the old-school canon of almost
exclusively showing WASP characteristics as the heroes to now including POC heroes
and heroines and also publishing books representing OWN voices authors and
characters, more young readers are able to see themselves within the pages. But
there is still a gap in diversity in children’s literature when it comes to disability
representation. Many studies on diversity in publishing focus on race and
ethnicity, specifically the annual Statistics on Multicultural Children’s Books
done by the CCDC . This is extremely important work and hopefully will pave the
way for the publishing industry to create more books with representation for
those with disabilities, including neurodiverse characters. Representation
matters, and according to a September 2019 article released by Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, people with disabilities represent 26% of Americans.

Ebony-Grace struggles to find words to express what she’s feeling about this. Her
Father approaches her about being disrespectful, and she says, “I’m just trying
to be…regular and normal”. This is a moment of vulnerability and revelation in
Ebony-Grace’s character. She is confident in who she is, but she also
recognizes how the world sees her. Shannon Maughan’s article in Publisher’s
Weekly, “Navigating Middle Grade Books” states that Rebeka Simonson, an
editor at Atheneum Books, “[believes] middle
grade fiction deals with the things kids are going through at those ages… a
growing awareness of the wide world outside of oneself and the injustices it
often contains.” Scenes in My Life as an
Ice Cream Sandwich reveal important moments of injustice both in the novel
and in society: how the world responds to kids who are different. Yet the fact
that Ebony-Grace is the main character of this novel presents an opportunity
for neurodiverse readers to connect and grow with her as she confronts the
stigma of her difference. It also presents an opportunity for neurotypical kids
to develop empathy.
representation with characters like Ebony-Grace in middle grade literature is extremely
important. In Haley Moss article entitled, Diverse Autistic Authors Are Changing
Neurodiveristy Representation in Books, she states that, “No autistic young
reader should feel alone or that they don’t identify with how neurotypicals
view them; they deserve access to stories of acceptance and empowerment.”

Today, Willow might be
diagnosed as falling on the autism spectrum, and while that is never revealed
to readers, it is still clear that Willow would identify as neurodiverse.
majority of counting by 7s is told from Willow’s perspective, which allows
readers a deep look at life through the eyes of a neurodiverse character. Both neurodiverse
and neurotypical readers have the opportunity to connect with Willow. However,
though empathy is innate, it is not automatic. Neurotypical readers must engage
in perspective taking when reading, connecting with Willow’s emotions, learning
what it is like to be called weird, and feeling what it’s like to not be
accepted by the herd. By engaging in perspective-taking, neurotypical readers
are thrust into Willow’s thoughts, feelings, and moments. Readers experience
the turmoil and ridicule alongside her which in turn garners empathetic feelings
and a deeper desire to understand her world. Karol Silverstein wrote the article
“How Stories About Disability Help Create Empathy” for the We Need Diverse Books
blog, and she says neurodiverse representation matters because it bridges “the
gap between discomfort and familiarity, between fear of the unknown and true
empathy.” Diversity in middle grade literature often goes beyond mere
understanding—diversity is about true representation and inclusion. When a
neurotypical reader takes the perspective of a neurodiverse character, there is
a coming together of worlds and a shift from the unknown to understanding.
Reading list:
If you enjoyed counting by 7's and My
Life as an Ice Cream Sandwich, here are eight more middle grade reads
with neurodiverse characters that Caitlin highly recommends!
Not if I Can Help it by Carolyn Mackler, featuring 5th grader Willa who is
learning to manage her Sensory Processing Disorder among other
big life changes.
Planet Earth is Blue by Nicole Panteleakos, featuring 12 year-old,
space-loving Nova who is autistic and mostly non-verbal, learning to express
The Someday Birds by Sally J. Pla, featuring 12 year-old Charlie who falls on the
autism spectrum, and loves birds, chicken nuggets, & is just trying to make
sense of the world.
Each Tiny Spark by Pablo Cartaya, featuring Emilia Torres who has a hard
time focusing because of her ADHD, and wishes she could reconnect with her dad.
Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, featuring Ally who's never had
trouble hiding her dyslexia until she meets her new teacher, Mr. Daniels.
The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl by Stacy McAnulty, featuring Lucy Callahan who has
genius-level math skills after being struck by lightning but still struggles
with middle school.
Focused by Alyson Gerber, featuring 7th grader Clea who is always
distracted and when she starts having problems at school, finds out it's
because she has ADHD.
A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass, featuring Mia Winchell who has synesthesia
and wants to keep it a secret.
Thank you, Caitlin!
You can find Caitlin on Instagram and Twitter @caitlin_lore and Caitlin's website is