1. You'll save on heating bills if your fireplace is burning--False. The popular Discovery Channel show MYTHBUSTERS proved that corners of your house actually get cooler when you burn a fire. A doctor featured on the TODAY show said when you burn a fire, warm air is sucked out of your living room and up the chimney. She also advised for better results to have a glass door in front of the fire; also for fewer issues with smoke, burn ash or beech.
2. Poinsettias have killed pets and children--False. There has never been a single confirmed death associated with poinsettias. That's not to say they can't make you sick. If you discover that your toddler has eaten a poinsettia leaf, have her/him drink a glass of milk...and what the heck, it's your baby, go ahead and call poison control. **Side note, Christmas Lilies can kill cats. If you are a cat owner, please keep the Christmas Lily out of your home.

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