BIKE ON BEAR by Cynthea Liu Illustrated by Kristyna Litten.

Bear can do almost anything. His one-paw pawstand is perfection. He can solve the trickiest of equations. He can even out-build a brigade of beavers. But the one thing Bear can’t do? Ride a bike.
Bear tries everything to help him learn: library books, training wheels and super-cheers from his fellow animal friends. But all of those fail to get poor Bear on two wheels. The situation is looking unbearable, but an unexpected mishap might be just the thing that propels Bear to bike on!
BIKE ON BEAR is packed with clever, fresh and FUNny
ideas; plus add on the illustrations and you get a story that’s both gratifying
and hilarious. Picture book readers will enjoy the heart and determination in
this story, and picture book writers can use this as a perfect “how-to craft
book” (a story problem, try-fails, the rule of threes and the bookending style
where the story’s beginning and end match so nicely). BIKE ON BEAR is definitely
this summer’s bookstore star.
Kirkus Review: "Bear’s supportive friends and family, along with Litten’s warm-hued, cozy illustrations, drape the story in comfort, even during Bear’s many tumbles and spills.This pivotal childhood milestone is often defined by fear, but this variant is for young brooders everywhere. "
- Age Range: 4 - 7 years
- Grade Level: Preschool - 2
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- Publisher: Aladdin (June 2, 2015)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1481405063
- ISBN-13: 978-1481405065
Buying Links:
Indie Bound: Buy from an Indie Store
Barnes and Noble
Boulder Bookstore
Tattered Cover
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