Five with Agent Deborah Warren, East/West Literary
Warren is an agent and the founder of East/West Literary Agency. She is also on
the faculty for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the SCBWI fall conference
scheduled September 19-20, 2015. Registration available on walk-in basis for a few remaining spots. Details here: Follow this link or type in:
DEBORAH WARREN founded East/West Literary Agency LLC, after 17 years
at Harcourt. With over
35 years of experience in the publishing industry, and over 15 years at the
helm of the Agency, Deborah not only represents authors and illustrators of
picture books including Jim Averbeck, Anna Dewdney, Kimberly and James Dean,
Gianna Marino, and Antoinette Portis, she represents authors and
illustrators—both debut and established--in the board book, concept,
illustration, multicultural, non-fiction, middle-grade and young adult markets.
In all categories,
she’s looking to fall in love with character-driven stories, enhanced by a
hook, told in a unique, fresh or distinctive way. Her sweet spots: short,
quirky picture books and smartly layered, accessible and compelling MG and YA
The Agency is
particularly invested in finding and nurturing new talent (or should we say
advocating “debuts” into new categories).
ICE BREAKER: Congratulations
to Kwame Alexander for winning the
Newbery Medal! Did you celebrate with a cocktail, cake or something else (details,
please J)?
DW: THANK YOU! I celebrate each and every one of my clients’
successes – starting with each book’s birthday. (As a Leo, it lets me celebrate
all year long!) But for sure, this was a
cross-o-ver of huge magnitude!

I won’t go into it now, but remind me to tell you about shopping
for the Newbery dress. (It’s kinda how I “go shopping” for new talent: I
don’t necessarily know what I’m looking for, but I know it when I see it!) You
see, I’m open to falling in love with that perfect (or should I say “write”)
fit that I’m not looking for or even know that I want. It’s all about the
connection with me.
That said, if you’ve written a Downton Abbey for
MG or YA, we need to talk immediately! I also love the look and feel and
concept of classic Star Trek and Twilight Zone episodes
… so I’m up to see anything in that genre. Battlestar Gallactica was
one of my favorite shows, and I’m still upset that it was cancelled. OH; and I
love re-imaginings of fairy tales, too, like Beauty and the Beast and The
Princess Bride.
OH; and don’t even get me started on The Walking Dead!
BTW, with Anna Dewdney’s new book, LLAMA LLAMA GRAM AND GRAMPA
debuting on the NYT list (the week of 9.20), along with James Dean’s PETE THE
CAT: FIVE LITTLE PUMPKINS, I’m celebrating again!
2. Authors often talk about
nailing the writing on the first page. What must a writer achieve on the first
page to get you to read the rest of their submission?
DW: I was recently on
a panel with Laura Whitaker (formerly an editor at Bloomsbury) and she came up
with this “killer first pages” graphic. I couldn’t have said it any
better myself!
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Wow! That graphic does say it all.
3. Authors/Illustrators are anxious to hear back on their submissions; some
are even frustrated without realizing how busy busy an agents life can be. Please
give us the inside scoop—a brief glimpse of the activities of your day or week:
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Deborah Warren and Erin Dealey |
DW: Well, here’s the GOOD thing: the only “typical” thing
about each and every day is that it’s crazy! It's all about selling,
advocacy, and communications: spearheading the process through answering
emails, making calls to editors and clients, developing pitches, shopping
projects, researching the market, promoting our authors and illustrators
and list, (though someone else – Erin Dealey in particular – tweets for me),
keeping up with who's going where and who's acquiring what ... generally,
juggling about 100 balls at once. On top of that, there’s the
editing/reviewing/shaping/revisiting of manuscripts & submissions/ and
fielding of rights.
As to the frustration (and YES – it can be one LONG food
chain!): I suggest that you trust the process. It’s been said that
"perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the
twentieth." Sometimes the timing of the project and the zeitgeist is
off. Sometimes editors’ move or publishers and imprints change their direction
or ed boards don't greenlight a project, regardless of the passion of
the editor. When you boil it down to its essence, this business
is so very subjective: each agent and/or editor has her or his own
perspective and either the work ‘clicks’ almost immediately and/or
with revision … or it doesn't. OH; and there’s the timing issue, too!
When the feedback from publishers overwhelmingly indicates
that revisions are necessary, we discuss making those changes with the
client. And you know, it works the other way, too: either the feedback
'clicks' with the client or it doesn't. Regardless, if we cannot champion a
project wholeheartedly, we will not take it on. And since we are so choosy
about taking on projects/clients, and we are relentless in our perseverance, we
typically find that ‘write’ fit ... even if it does take
twenty times.
Remember that agents and/or publishers reject a manuscript; they
don't reject you. We all have our special talents and I thank you for being
authors and illustrators. I appreciate what you do. I'm so honored
to be in this industry and to represent your best interests!
Best friends appreciate,
and are attracted to, each other’s strengths. Likewise, they overlook, or
compensate for, each other’s weaknesses. The same is true here. I could never
be a writer...but I love the chess game of being an agent!
4. What hooks you in a manuscript?
DW: Anything that is well-written, has a unique voice, presents the
subject matter with a fresh and new perspective, is carefully researched as to
its competition, and is saleable as to its format is more than welcome!
I’m attracted to passionate, creative, fresh, innovative, flexible
clients who keep reading, writing, rewriting, and revising. I love authors and
illustrators who will surprise, delight, inform, amuse, and engage my
I’ll immediately want to know more if:
1) You have a referral from one of our
existing clients.
2) You have a strong “sell and tell”
elevator pitch
3) You refer to the Work of one of our
clients as being similar to yours or with a similar market reach.
We agents are a lot like matchmakers–we’re creative matchmakers,
but we make matches just the same. We prefer to bring clients into the agency
with whom we share a common career-building goal, so I’m also impressed when
clients have an appreciation for, and knowledge/patience about, the industry;
in particular, about the acquisition process.
The good news: 95% of our children's clients are members of
SCWBI. It’s the best organization out there for meeting 100% of our
authors’/illustrators’ needs. And if someone who has been referred to us
indicates their membership in SCBWI when submitting a manuscript, we know that
they have done their due diligence.
Indeed, at one of the last SCBWI conferences where I was on the
faculty, I signed up a client on the spot (well, after the first pages
session). Hello, Peggy Janousky – and I’m so looking forward to your
first picture book coming out next fall!
What turns you off when reading a
DW: Here’s my pet peeve: Your writing must be as
close to polished as possible before it goes to the publisher – or even to your
agent. Take care to submit your work in its best possible shape, after
work-shopping it, for example. Your agent will help you develop it, but we no
longer can expect the editor to do the heavy editorial lifting. Editors
have less and less time to work on manuscripts. They have to have that
almost immediate connection, too.
In general, a large group of people will work on your
book: the agent, editor, copyeditor, proofreader, managing editor, art
director, production manager, design department, marketing department, sales
staff, warehouse personnel and subsidiary rights. Your book needs to be
printed (probably overseas, especially if it’s a picture book) and shipped to
stores. Publicity efforts may include sending out review copies, printing
up posters or bookmarks, taking out ads in review journals, and sending the
sales staff to book conventions. But it starts, and ends, with YOU!
Submission Guidelines
The submission
guidelines below come from East/West’s website, however guidelines often
change, so please visit the website to check for updates.
Currently East/West Literary Agency only accepts submissions from either (1). authors
and illustrators who come by way of referral from an existing client or (2).
from the folks Deborah meets at conferences.
*The most productive query will include a
marketing "handle" or description of your book in sound bites that
are clear, compact and commercial along with a "jacket flap"
summary. Sell us, don't just tell us! Include your credentials, any
publishing history, and how you were referred to us; if you are querying
several other agencies simultaneously, we ask that you mention this in your
query letter.
*If you are a novelist, you may include the first
three (3) chapters of the work; please do not submit the entire work unless
specifically requested.
*If you are a picture book writer, you may
include two (2) manuscripts; please do not submit any additional manuscripts
unless specifically requested.
*If you are an
illustrator, please include
information regarding website portfolio links, if applicable; otherwise, attach
a limited sampling of pieces; please do not send original artwork under any
circumstance; we do not take responsibility for damage or loss of any original
artwork that may be sent to us.
*If additional work is
requested following the query letter, we prefer exclusive consideration of the requested work for one
(1) month.
*Unsolicited e-mail query
letters or submissions may not be responded to. While we have always striven to provide
the courtesy of a response to all queries, you will hear back from us only if
we're interested; we're not responsible for manuscripts submitted without
regard to this policy, which supersedes any information listed in writers'
guides or on other websites.
You'll be best served by an agent/agency who
feels as passionate about the Work as you do--a necessary requisite of the
book's best advocate–and we hope that'll be us!
Another great interview! Thanks, Kim!
Great interview. Look forward to hearing more from Deborah at the conference.
Loved reading this - thanks, Kim!
Thanks, Leni!
Thanks, and yes! It's going to be a great conference!
Thanks for letting me know, Samantha! Deborah's answers were so interesting; especially the part about how she signed Peggy Janousky on the spot (ish) at a first pages session! I'm hopeful for our conference attendees!
Super insightful interview. Sorry I'm late to the game but needed to tell you this, Kim!
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